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24 August, 2006

DNA @ St Martins Church

Just to let you know what's happening at DNA in St Martins Church over the next few weeks:-

Wednesdays from 10am till 11am
Prayer Time for DNA, Colchester and beyond

Sundays from 10.30am till 1pm
Our usual Sunday Morning Worship event

Sunday evenings 7pm till 8pm
Sacred Space (a quiet time of listening to God) (not suitable for young children)

These events are open to all if you are free at any time please call in we would love to see you.

01 August, 2006

DNA Networks, August 2006

Some changes over the next few weeks and months…

Change of VenueFrom the first Sunday in August we will be meeting in St Martin’s, West Stockwell St. We were there for Christmas carols, and we have booked the venue for the three months up until the clocks go back in late October. Park where you can! Whether we stay at St Martin’s depends on heating issues! There is also the possibility of having access to Maldon Road chapel for a few months from November.

Changes to Financial freedom Up until now, DNA Networks had loans to pay from 2001 and 2002 when income did not meet expenditure. These loans will be entirely paid off by the end of July. Hooray! So the trustees have agreed that we can forward funds to others we have sent out to start up church plants. The initial plan is to send £300 a month as a church to the Coreas for the Thailand project and £200 a month to John Jiang for the Shanghai work. What do you think?

People ChangesThe autumn is usually a time of grief in DNA when we send away people we have grown to love and appreciate. We expect that 2006 will be no different. The GAP year is finishing for Rosie, Joe and Dave, who all expect to go off for further study in different places. Others will be leaving after finishing their studies in Colchester. So we’ll be sad again!!

However, our grief is softened because we know that we are sending out people for God’s purposes all over the place- this summer we’ve been able to welcome back several from overseas and nationwide; it’s great to see them!

From Lauingen With Love comes Sandy Vorwerk to spend a year with us as ministry intern. Sandy is 24 and speaks excellent English; she has great enthusiasm for connecting people to God and she loves children. She will arrive in September. Please welcome her warmly and get to know her as you can.

Changed Priorities Ahead...
With the changes to people and venues will also come the need for all of us who have been around for a couple of years or more to participate in teams to grow forward and extend our mission locally More about this later. We have never had greater opportunities!! Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9, 37-38