This Sunday (Dec 2nd) is the first Advent come along early if you would like to help.
Future events
Saturday 8th December 12 noon till 3pm a quite time to reflect on Christmas, bring a lunch we will supply drinks.
Sunday 23rd December Christmas carols at St Martin's Church West Stockwell Street 3pm.
Saturday 12 January 2008 Vision Day at Assington from 10 am till 4pm come for all or just some. Do you have a vision for 2008? If not come and listen God will give you one.
Sunday 27th January 2008 Smile Puppets are leading the whole service. This is for all ages young and old, bring along loads of friends.
If you have any comment from last week's talk come and speak to one of us on Sunday
Paul & Karen
30 November, 2007
20 November, 2007
Men's Breakfast
Men's breakfast this Saturday, 24th November at 8.30 am
at Jack Pots Lion Walk Town centre,
the theme is "Bring Along A Buddy"
RSVP Paul Carr or Tony Francis so we can book the numbers
18 November, 2007
SIN - Black Hands!
Black Hands represent our Sins...
The Wall chart represents all our lives full of sin...
As a family of believers we are called to confess our sins to God and one another
We can help one another in leaving sin and to have a clean hand!
(Chrissy/ Miriam and Chris/Patrick help each other to remove the black hand)
Photos from DNA Sunday Worship -18/11/07
11 November, 2007
DNA Fancy Dress Party and News
On Sunday 18th November we will be meeting at St Mary's (the Arts Centre)
Bacon Rolls will be served from 10 am onwards so come early if youwould like to wake up to a hearty roll!
John Claydon will be speaking to us this Sunday
Jon & Rosanna will be leading the children's group (anyone over 4 years)The Sargeant & Shaljean families have been asked to give out communion
Please note the High street will be closed from 6 am till 8pm on Sunday
Sacred Space will be in St Martin's East Stockwell Street 7pm till 8pm (wrap up warm)
Are you in one of the Mission units?
Are you in one of the Servant teams?
Are you in one of the discipleship groups?
Any comment on last week's service email back or phone 01206 791986
CHRISTMAS SHOE BOX APPEAL - For children around the globe that won't have a very merry Christmas.
Please give a shoe box, wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper with toys, pens, pencils, hair accessories, sweets, tooth-brush, tooth-paste, teddy, balls, hat, scarf, glove, glasses, notebook, colouring book etc. . . to send to a child this Christmas.
You'll need to stick on the top of the box who it is for i.e Boy or Girl, and the age group it's aimed for, either 2 - 4, 5 - 9, 10 - 14. Also £2 in an envelope inside for posting.
If you feel that making a whole box might be too much, please bring in what you can!
The deadline is quite near - so if you can please start bringing them in this Sunday.
Thank You
Hannah Carr
Please give a shoe box, wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper with toys, pens, pencils, hair accessories, sweets, tooth-brush, tooth-paste, teddy, balls, hat, scarf, glove, glasses, notebook, colouring book etc. . . to send to a child this Christmas.
You'll need to stick on the top of the box who it is for i.e Boy or Girl, and the age group it's aimed for, either 2 - 4, 5 - 9, 10 - 14. Also £2 in an envelope inside for posting.
If you feel that making a whole box might be too much, please bring in what you can!
The deadline is quite near - so if you can please start bringing them in this Sunday.
Thank You
Hannah Carr
08 November, 2007
Harvest Sunday
DNA Family brought food items for 'Out for Good' project home as part of their Harvest Sunday offering. There was a good bye lunch for Dave and Janie after the Sunday worship on Nov 4th
This Sunday (Nov 11th)...
DNA folk....
Please note that Colchester High Street will be closed for traffic on Sunday, 11th November from 10a.m -12 noon!