31 October, 2009
19 October, 2009
13 October, 2009
Wednesday 10.00am, Prayer morning at 52 Wellesley Rd- bring any issues for prayer
Thursday is Bible Training, 8-9.30pm
Saturday evening is Harvest Celebration at Assington
Sunday is "Multiplication" Day- feel free to be part of any of these outreach events but do call or write for further info about what you can do or how you can help:
10.30-11.30 am Messy Church at the Arts Centre:
phone Janie 01206-530934 01206-530934
12.00-2.00 pm International Church at 18 Hereford Rd; phone Enoch 07969210284 or email enoch_gen524@yahoo.co.uk
4.00-6.00pm Sports Church is Archery/Shooting at Assington;
sign up on Facebook page DNA Networks Sports Church Afternoon of shooting and archery (become a friend of Isaac Lasky if you can't find this page) or call
Dave on 01206 530934 or text 07791684699...... but be quick as numbers are limited
Thursday is Bible Training, 8-9.30pm
Saturday evening is Harvest Celebration at Assington
Sunday is "Multiplication" Day- feel free to be part of any of these outreach events but do call or write for further info about what you can do or how you can help:
10.30-11.30 am Messy Church at the Arts Centre:
phone Janie 01206-530934 01206-530934
12.00-2.00 pm International Church at 18 Hereford Rd; phone Enoch 07969210284 or email enoch_gen524@yahoo.co.uk
4.00-6.00pm Sports Church is Archery/Shooting at Assington;
sign up on Facebook page DNA Networks Sports Church Afternoon of shooting and archery (become a friend of Isaac Lasky if you can't find this page) or call
Dave on 01206 530934 or text 07791684699...... but be quick as numbers are limited