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29 May, 2010

Some dates for the diary in June

Sunday 6th June, we will be meeting at St Martin's, West Stockwell St, for our 10.30am worship event, as the Arts Centre is unavailable (Beer Festival!)

Sunday, June 13th - DNA 9th Birthday Picnic at Assington!
Celebrating together with outdoor worship (weather permitting!)
followed by a picnic lunch, games, time to relax and chill
Assington, Sunday June 13th, 10.30am-4pm
Please bring your own picnic lunch including drinks, a rug to sit on, sunscreen and hats. Tea and coffee will be provided.
The DNA minibus + cars will be leaving from the Colchester Arts Centre at 10am,
please let Enoch know if you need a lift

We will be joined for the picnic by international students from Luton University!

Saturday June 19th, 8.30 - 9.30am DNA Prayer - invitation to come to pray for the work of DNA - 52 Wellesley Rd Colchester

Friday, June 25th, Costacafe Church, Culver Square, 7pm - World Cup Theme

Sunday, June 27th Multiplication Sunday
Messy Church, Prayer Church, International Church, Sports Church

26 May, 2010

DNA Picnic

05 May, 2010


Sunday 3rd May 2010 (Janie Beales)

Messy Church

Theme for Messy Church: Jesus cooks a barbecue breakfast (John 21)

Kicking Goals!

DNA team playing in the church football cup finals