A Day at Peyton Hall
Swimming, Diving,
Eating nourishment, all for the spirit,
Swinging on a hammock, dreaming of Saints,
Sharing a hearty word, knowing the Lord,
People from all around the world,
Truly international,
A United Nations to be sure,
Enjoying a brew, a couple, a few,
Tennis or a film there was much to do,
A grand venue, a sound menu,
Thanks to Jeremy and family,
Weather fine for us to be free.
Poem by Jason McLean
26 August, 2010
15 August, 2010
12 August, 2010
DNA Networks Cricket team - 2nd Div Cup Champions
Firstly - Congratulations to the DNA Cricket team who were winners in Wednesday night's Evening League final and came home with the trophy!
This coming Sunday, 15th August, we'll complete our series of talks from Luke 15
Worship will be "raw and rhythmic!" plus live Art (by Sally) and time for quiet prayer and reflection over Communion
coming up : August 27-29th, First DNA Camping holiday at Assington
A bunch of us will be camping up at Assington over the Bank Holiday weekend! Weʼll be joined by a group from Donau Gemeinde, our German partners, also several students from DNA Luton, and the Gaikwads whoʼve planted Resurrection Church in Chesterton, Cambridge. It promises to be great fun!
All those who arenʼt camping are invited to join in on the Sunday at Assington. Two minibuses will leave from outside the Arts Centre at 10am.
Please bring a packed lunch and come join in our worship event, share a picnic and have games and free time to relax together during the afternoon...
& check out the deluxe tents which will tempt you to sign up for next year!
'PRAYER POINTS for AUGUST': you are invited to join prayer for DNA at 54 Old Forge Rd, Layer de la Haye at 8.30-9.30am on Saturday 21st August (let Dave and Janie know if you need a lift)