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30 March, 2011

Messy Church

27th March 2011

Wh have a change in venue for Messy Church, now meeting each month at celtic rose centre (Corner of East Hill and Guildford Road) Colchester.

Last Sunday our theme was 'Preparation to Mothers day' and we took as our story, Jesus lost in Jerusalem. Craft activities included preparing apple crumble, potting bulbs for the summer, making cards for Mothers day and construction activity.

Next Messy Church will be on April 17th

Enjoy the picture!! (Spot the reconstruction of the temple in Jerusalem)

24 March, 2011

See you Sunday!

Bacon, Stories and Prayer: meeting at the Colchester Arts Centre @ 10.30am for bacon sandwiches, stories and prayer
contact Dave on 01206 530 934 for more details

Messy Church: meeting at Celtic Rose Centre, Guildford Rd, 10.30am (parking off Guildford Rd)
theme: preparing for Mother's Day
contact Janie for info on 01206 530934

International Church: meeting at Patrick's, 12.30 - 3pm, 34 St Augustine Mews, Colchester
for lunch, worship and prayer; the talk and discussion this month will be led by Christine Claydon
please contact Patrick on 07949504649 for further details

Simple Church: meeting at the Davies' home, The Old Post Office, Frating
DNA - Divine listening (Bible and Holy Spirit), Nourishing Relationships, Apostolic Action
please contact John Orchard on 07791132379, or Richard Hearing on 07837558284


On Sunday evening the young people will be enjoying Barn Church across at Assington, 5.30-7.30pm
the DNA minibus will leave from Matalan at 5pm for those who need a lift
contact Nick 07949 294814 or Sydni 07572 884960

23 March, 2011

Barn Church

Barn Church is a youth-centered group that is
meeting every other week. As the young people lead their peers in Bible discussions and pray with each other, we hope they will begin understanding more and more what it means to be a Christ follower as a young adult.

Each evening is started with a game of some sort. Here they are playing a sort of "table football" where the only way to move the ping-pong ball is to blow it across the table.

The most important part of Barn Church is looking into the Bible. Many questions are asked, and it's exciting to see the rich answers found to life's difficulties in God's word.