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31 May, 2013

Programme for June 2nd

DNA Networks AGM at Abbeygate Two, 9 Whitewell Rd, Colchester, CO2 7DE. 
10.30am, 2nd June 2013

§       Worship songs (10 mins)Dave Watson
§       Elders report  (5 mins) Dave Beales
§       Church Council report (5 mins)  John Orchard
§       Finance report    (5 mins) Viv Critchley
§       Prayers of thanks and reflection (10mins)  Marie Morris
§       Vision for the year ahead (15 mins)  Dave Beales
§       Q&A   (15 mins) All
§       Church Council elections  (5 mins) Luke Moller and Candidates
§       Commissioning of  leadership and serving community (10mins) Marie Morris and John
§       Worship songs  (5 mins)  Dave Watson

17 May, 2013

Pentecost Brunch!

Sunday 19th May 10.30am at Abbeygate Two : Pentecost Sunday.
This Sunday We celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. The story of how the Holy Spirit was poured out will be dramatically retold, followed by Communion and shared Brunch (early lunch). It will all happen round tables, similar to the Passover meal - and finish with song and dance!
Please bring a plate of food to share and/or something to drink for the Brunch. Thank you.