Friday,1st December, 8pm-midnight
meeting at 52 Wellesley Road Colchester
Come for any part of the evening or for the whole event.
8-9pm Interactive worship and prayer
9-10pm Prayer for DNA at Janie and Dave's or Prayer Walking through the town for those who want to
10-11pm Feed back on Prayer Walking and continued prayer for the town
11-midnight Prayer continues, finishing with a time of worship
Every hour we will take a short beak for a drink etc
DNA Women's Christmas social
Thursday, 7th December, 7.30p.m -10p.m
at St Botolph's Hall (next to St Botolph's Church), Queen Street, Colchester
(park near the Town Station)
- Make our own mulled wine, have fun testing and tasting a Christmas recipe
- Create a Christmas card, Christmas wreath and/ or table decoration.....
- just chill and chat!
Why not bring:
* A favourite Christmas recipe - write it out and bring it along!
* Ideas you have for creating simple inexpensive gifts, decorations etc - write it and bring it along!
Please also bring a memory with you of a special Christmas, to share with others.
All are Welcome!
For more information please contact Janie on 01206 530934 or Karen on 01206 791986
Sacred Space will resume in the new year (no meetings in December)