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23 February, 2009

Photo from the George Hotel!
Group in Frating
Ben, Maddy and Lewis
(Photos from 22nd February 2009)

20 February, 2009

God's creation

Sunset -Photography by Richard Hearing (Feb 09)
Creation – 22nd Feb 2009

Thoughts to Ponder
God is Creator. We are made in God's image. Human beings are therefore creative in their nature, although our nature is fallen. In His day, how did Jesus, express creativity?

The WWJD movement (What Would Jesus Do?) had tended to focus on matters of personal relationships and personal rights and wrongs. Because God is Creator of the World and all of life, WWJD must also consider the big issues of our world. Especially, what we do with God's planet and how we express creativity in arts, media, music, etc.

-What would Jesus do in the consumptive world in which we live?
-How would he respond to the environmental crisis?
-What would Jesus do with our money and resources in a world of poverty and in need of grace and mercy?
-What would Jesus do with the depravities of reality television?

16 February, 2009

Please note that there will be no morning service on Sunday, 22nd February at the Art Centre.
We will meet in various groups. Please contact Chrissy - 07826119779 or Enoch - 07969210284 for further details.

14 February, 2009

05 February, 2009

(Photos from Sunday morning service - 1st Feb 09)