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17 December, 2010

Saturday 18th December: movie night, Faith Like Potatoes (PG) 6pm for 6.30pm at Action in Communities, 2nd Floor, 6-8 St Botolph’s St

Sunday 19th December: "Carols, Candles and Coats!" combined event with Kingsland Stanway Church, Colchester Arts Centre, 10.30am story, song, drama,

Wednesday 22nd December: 10-11am DNA Prayer at 52 Wellesley Rd, Colchester
open invitation to any who are free at that time to join us to pray for the work of DNA
Evening: Hope in Colchester will be assisting shoppers with Present Wrapping, giving away refreshments and singing carols. Would you like to be involved? Email back and we can give you the information!!

Friday 24th December, Christmas Eve: 3 - 4pm Colchester Arts Centre, Christmas Eve family worship event followed by the movie “Nativity” at the Arts Centre (PG), 5-6.40pm suitable for people over the age of 9

Saturday 25th December, Christmas Day (St Mary's Car Park is Free on Christmas Day!!)
Celebration and Communion 10 - 11am Colchester Arts Centre (NB earlier start)

Sunday 26th December - nothing scheduled

Sundays in January:
January 2nd 2011, 10.30am in Arts Centre
January 9th 2011, no morning event. Afternoon, Confirmation & Commissioning with the Bishop of Colchester at Assington
January 16th 2011, 10.30am in Arts Centre
January 23rd 2011 Multiplication Sunday International, Messy, Simple, Barn Churches
January 30th 2011, 10.30am in Arts Centre

(NB We understand that St Mary's car Park is charging £3 for up to 2 hours parking on Sundays, £4 for 2-4 hours.
Britannia & Priory St are free before 12.30pm on Sundays; Vineyard St charges 50p on Sundays before 12.30pm)