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31 December, 2011

Sunday January 8th

This Sunday's worship will be at 10.30am at Colchester Arts Centre.
The theme will be build on last week's Treasures of Darkness, looking at Haggai 1.

Barn Church will be on in the evening. Meet at Matalan 5pm.

Happy New Year!

25 December, 2011

Christmas Day Message

To read the Christmas day Message go to

23 December, 2011

Christmas Day: 10am (note the time!!)

Please join us for Christmas Day worship at 10am, Colchester Arts Centre.
Worship will include:
Creativity- video, graphics, poetry and photography
Space- for personal reflection and prayer
Christmas songs - old and original
Interactive Bible reading- from Matthew 1, 1-16 (go on, look it up and see if you can get to the end without falling asleep!)
Holy Communion
It should last an hour in length.

17 December, 2011

Dave's blog- Seven O's of Advent

For the next week, Dave will be posting some Advent reflections on his blog at

From early in the Christian era, Benedictine monks focussed their pre-Christmas meditations on 7 titles for the Messiah from the Old Testament.

Each day for a week before Christmas Eve, they looked at one title and prepared their hearts for the coming of Christ by addressing songs to Christ using the titles as names... “O, Wisdom, O, Lord etc.”

This year, rather than write blogs on the 12 days of Christmas, as I have done over a couple of years, I’m going to attempt a bit of benedictine-style reflection on “Who is this baby?” over the next week.

The photo here is "solitude on a sandbar". Lots of revelation happens when we open our souls to the possibility of silence and solitude.

In case you’d prefer to do your own reflections rather than read mine, here are the themes for the week-

Dec 17th Wisdom
Dec 18th Lord
Dec 19th Root of Jesse
Dec 20th Key of David
Dec 21st Dayspring
Dec 22nd King of the Nations
Dec 23rd God is with us

14 December, 2011

Christmas Festivities!

Over the next week a bunch of different groups are gathering to share food, faith and fun in the lead-up to Christmas!

Look out for Jessica McCarty who arrives in UK on Friday 16th December to serve with the UWM team. Please make her feel welcome; she'll be around for a few days before heading north for Christmas with friends and will start work in the new year.

Saturday 17th December, 5.30 pm at 34 St Augustine Mews, International Christian Fellowship will meet together for Christmas celebration with African food and a film called Flywheel. Call Enoch Kunarajah 07969210284

Sunday 18th December, 3.00-4.00pm Carol Service at Trinity/CO1, Trinity St. Having rung the council today, they have confirmed that Culver St West will be closed to traffic from 10.30am-4pm this Sunday, so please don't attempt to drive down to Trinity St just before 3pm. Do invite friends and family; there will be a band leading carols, drumming and drama, international music, video clips from 2010's BBC Nativity- all in an attempt to tell the Christmas story in a way to engage people who don't know it well. Please bring some mince pies or other nibbles to share; the young people from Barn Church will help to serve the food at the end. Call Janie or Dave Beales 01206 530934

Monday 19th December, 2.00-5.00pm, Barn Church Christmas Swim at Peyton Hall. Meet for a lift at the Lower Castle Park Gates near the boating pool, at the end of St Peter's St. Contact Isaac Lasky 07715357624

Tuesday 20th December, 2.00-4.00pm, Children's Christmas party at Celtic Rose Centre, Guildford Road. Call Emily Collins 07928969449.

Christmas Day 25th December, Christmas Communion, 10 -11am at the Arts Centre.

Our Christmas donations this year will go to Beacon House centre for the homeless. You will find information about what is required below. DNA is growing a close relationship with Beacon House as we seek to serve some of the needs of homeless people in the area. Feel free to bring donations over the next three weeks leading up to New Year.

Below is a list of our current needs. If you can help
please bring along to DNA or contact Beacon House.

SIZES 8 - 12,
Men's Boxers Small and Medium Size
Men's Shoes sizes 8 - 12
Men's T Shirts
Men's belts sizes 30 - 36"
Ladies knickers sizes 10 and 12
Ladies T Shirts/Tops
Men's socks
Kitchen Roll
Men's Spray Deodorant
Ladies shoes/trainers sizes 7 - 9
Toilet Rolls
Cup a soup
Dessert plastic spoons
Travel size toiletries (not soap please!)
We would be grateful for boxer shorts (small/medium),
socks and chocolate to be given as presents to our
clients. For some of them it will be the only presents
that they will have - and we would be very grateful if
they could be wrapped as well!
90 - 91 East Hill, Colchester, CO1 2QN
01206 761960

09 December, 2011

We gather for Worship event this Sunday, 11th December, at Colchester Arts Centre, 10.30am.
After learning an unfamiliar song, there will be a brief video introduction to Advent, then community prayer inspired by a "What would Jesus do?" banner photographed outside St Paul's Cathedral last week.
Holy Communion will follow and further worship music.
John Claydon will be speaking about a vision for the Body of Christ, taken from Ephesians 4, 11-16.
There will be time to respond prayerfully before a final song.
Advance notice:The Arts Centre is unavailable again on December 18th. Because of this, the DNA Carol event will take place at 3pm on Sun 18th Dec at Trinity Church, CO1 cafe on Trinity Street.
Our Christmas donations this year will go to Beacon House centre for the homeless. You will find information about what is required below. DNA is growing a close relationship with Beacon House as we seek to serve some of the needs of homeless people in the area. Feel free to bring donations over the next three weeks leading up to New Year.
Many thanks,
David and Janie

01 December, 2011

Sunday 4th December

This Sunday, 4th December, DNA will host students from Essex University at the 10.30am worship event in the Colchester Arts Centre, which will include a shared lunch.

John Orchard will be overseeing the worship
Viv Critchley has been masterminding the menus
Naomi Snelling will be leading music
Isaac Lasky will be sharing a message about God's Comfort from 2 Corinthians 1
Enoch Kunarajah is managing the transport- if you can help please call him on 07969210284

Look forward to seeing you then!