Over the next week a bunch of different groups are gathering to share food, faith and fun in the lead-up to Christmas!
Look out for Jessica McCarty who arrives in UK on Friday 16th December to serve with the UWM team. Please make her feel welcome; she'll be around for a few days before heading north for Christmas with friends and will start work in the new year.
Saturday 17th December, 5.30 pm at 34 St Augustine Mews, International Christian Fellowship will meet together for Christmas celebration with African food and a film called Flywheel. Call Enoch Kunarajah 07969210284
Sunday 18th December, 3.00-4.00pm Carol Service at Trinity/CO1, Trinity St. Having rung the council today, they have confirmed that Culver St West will be closed to traffic from 10.30am-4pm this Sunday, so please don't attempt to drive down to Trinity St just before 3pm. Do invite friends and family; there will be a band leading carols, drumming and drama, international music, video clips from 2010's BBC Nativity- all in an attempt to tell the Christmas story in a way to engage people who don't know it well. Please bring some mince pies or other nibbles to share; the young people from Barn Church will help to serve the food at the end. Call Janie or Dave Beales 01206 530934
Monday 19th December, 2.00-5.00pm, Barn Church Christmas Swim at Peyton Hall. Meet for a lift at the Lower Castle Park Gates near the boating pool, at the end of St Peter's St. Contact Isaac Lasky 07715357624
Tuesday 20th December, 2.00-4.00pm, Children's Christmas party at Celtic Rose Centre, Guildford Road. Call Emily Collins 07928969449.
Christmas Day 25th December, Christmas Communion, 10 -11am at the Arts Centre.
Our Christmas donations this year will go to Beacon House centre for the homeless. You will find information about what is required below. DNA is growing a close relationship with Beacon House as we seek to serve some of the needs of homeless people in the area. Feel free to bring donations over the next three weeks leading up to New Year.
Below is a list of our current needs. If you can help
please bring along to DNA or contact Beacon House.
SIZES 8 - 12,
Men's Boxers Small and Medium Size
Men's Shoes sizes 8 - 12
Men's T Shirts
Men's belts sizes 30 - 36"
Ladies knickers sizes 10 and 12
Ladies T Shirts/Tops
Men's socks
Kitchen Roll
Men's Spray Deodorant
Ladies shoes/trainers sizes 7 - 9
Toilet Rolls
Cup a soup
Dessert plastic spoons
Travel size toiletries (not soap please!)
We would be grateful for boxer shorts (small/medium),
socks and chocolate to be given as presents to our
clients. For some of them it will be the only presents
that they will have - and we would be very grateful if
they could be wrapped as well!
90 - 91 East Hill, Colchester, CO1 2QN
01206 761960