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24 February, 2012

Sunday 26th February

This Sunday, February 26th, we meet (maybe for the last time?) at Colchester Arts Centre, 10.30am.

We'll start with some Gospel songs and then have a video-based discussion around Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness. We'll read Mark 1, 9-15 and seek to apply Jesus' experiences to our own.

NB Parents - Although no monthly Messy Church is being currently scheduled, primary aged children will have a special session prepared for them on the stage with story and activities based around the Children of Israel's journey through the wilderness towards the promised land.

News flash: DNA now has a set of keys for Abbeygate! There is quite a bit to sort out over the coming week in terms of cleaning, getting electricity and water reconnected and moving furniture - but if things move according to plan we should be meeting at Abbeygate the following Sunday, March 4th.

On conclusion of our worship this Sunday, we'll pack up quickly and then those who are able are invited to walk down together to Abbeygate at have a look inside!

International Christian Fellowship meets at 18 Hereford Drive 12.30-2.30pm- quality food, songs, Bible teaching and discussion. Call Enoch Kunarajah 07969210284

Barn Church meets 5.30-7.30pm at Assington for the third week of Youth Alpha and Becca Neill will be presenting Why did Jesus die?
Meet at Matalan 5.00pm. Call Isaac Lasky 07429553244 or Sydni Brooke 07572884960