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01 June, 2012

Trinity Sunday June 3rd 2012

Morning worship event, 10.30am at Abbeygate 2

Sunday's speaker is Isaac Lasky on the theme "You must be born again" from John 3: 1- 17. Naomi Snelling is the music leader this week and worship includes Communion together. Nick Brooke will introduce John and Kerry Clayton to everyone - we look forward to hearing about different things they are up to.

Sunday also sees the commencement of regular Children's Ministry - a real milestone for DNA!
2-3 year-olds will be led by Carey for a lovely programme of activity. 4-7 year-olds and 7-10 year-olds will combine this week for special activites to be led by Emily and Janie with the assistance of Maisy. The children's sessions will take place upstairs in Abbeygate for approx 40 minutes during the worship event. It promises to be a load of fun!