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06 July, 2012

Sunday July 8th

This Sunday, July 8th, Nick Brooke will be concluding the brief series from Mark's Gospel on Jesus' training of disciples. Check out Mark 6, 1-13.

Janie will lead music and there will be children's groups upstairs, with Isaac Lasky and Dave Watson. There will be prayer for our mission both at home and overseas- Manik Corea is back in town and we'll have opportunity to pray for him and his family as they move to a new ministry in Bangkok;  we'll also hear something of our UWM team's local activities and needs for prayer as well.

Please take a report from last week's AGM , which will be made available; this details the newly elected Church Council and some of the discussion that took place.

The following Sunday, July 15th, is our eleventh birthday! Following a celebration worship with visiting speaker Jon Shuler and dedication of Sarah Ajaj, there will be a picnic in Abbey Fields for all the family- a great opportunity to introduce friends to the community as well; feel free to invite anyone you'd like to introduce to the church.