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04 October, 2012

Essential 100, Sarah Ramazani, October Calendar

The Essential 100 books have arrived! If you ordered one (or two) please bring your £5 when you collect.

We'll meet for worship on Sunday at 10.30am at Abbeygate Two, 9 Whitewell Rd, Colchester, CO2 7DE.

Nick Brooke will lead some worship songs; the Ramazani family will bring Sarah, born on 15th September, for dedication- get ready to sing, dance, sway and clap in celebration thanksgiving.

Sydni Brooke and Jess McCarty will stir us up to pray  and will lead us into Holy Communion.

Janie Beales will take the children's session and Isaac Lasky will share his thoughts on The Story of Joseph, from Genesis 37-50- the next stage of the E-100 series.

Here's the Calendar for October: