Saturday morning is football at Shrub End at 10am vs Bethel- a mid-table clash
On Sunday, the Thursday night Alpha group will be away in the country on a day of discovery about the Holy Spirit.
This week our E-100 readings come from Psalms 23, 51 and 103; also Proverbs 3 and 16- well worth a read.
Our 10.30am Sunday worship will feature some of the Psalms, with Janie Beales leading a special focus on Ps 23, which concludes with news of a feast. So we will share communion as we move into a shared meal. If you can stay, please bring something to share for lunch.
Our 10.30am Sunday worship will feature some of the Psalms, with Janie Beales leading a special focus on Ps 23, which concludes with news of a feast. So we will share communion as we move into a shared meal. If you can stay, please bring something to share for lunch.