This Sunday is the third Sunday of the month so we are having a bring and share community lunch. The owner of the Finezza Pizza has been coming to our church I know some of us have been to his pizza place. We are going to order ten pizzas (both meat eaters and veggie) from him as part of our lunch. So please bring food like green salad or pasta or things you would like to eat with the pizzas! If you do not want to have the pizzas please also bring food that you like! Donation is welcome to contribute to the pizzas.
love from Pinceau
For our worship time we'll be hearing about and praying for Migle and Jess' imminent trip to Lithuania to visit a child in hospital and bring greetings and prayers from DNA- and butterflies made by our children last week! We will send them out with faith and expectation that their prayers will make a difference and bring encouragement and healing.
There will be communion together and songs led by Dave Watson. Janie Beales will be reading Ephesians 5, 18-end and will be bringing her understanding of Paul's teaching about the roles of wives and husbands in a marriage- a controversial subject in 21st century Europe, but guaranteed to provoke interest and thoughtful reflection. Plenty to talk about over lunch!