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09 July, 2013

International Church - NEW CHANGES from JULY

DNA Leadership have decided to grow the impact of International Church for this coming season. We have prayed and asked God for his guidance. We value your prayers as we embark on church planting amongst Internationals in Colchester.

The first small step is that we will be meeting twice a month from July - every 2nd and 4th Sunday. We will meet at 11a.m at Enoch and Pinceau's house with food, fellowship and exploring God's truth together. We hope to finish by 1p.m. The format for the two Sundays would be different so come and find out!

Our first gathering will be on Sunday 14th July and second one on 28th July. If you need a lift or directions please drop Enoch a message or call him.

Although this is a small step of meeting more frequently, changing the meeting time would enable the Internationals to commit their time to the house church and hopefully will see this as their main Sunday worship time and Christian community for the future. Yes, some of us will be part of DNA Networks town centre worship service on the other Sundays but our hope is that by God's grace we would grow and multiply and would become a church plant on its own but still be linked and accountable to DNA Networks leadership.

God has (and will) brought some wonderful young adults to lead the International work recently and we are excited. There are always challenges in supporting the new leaders to grow in confidence in God and learn to take on leadership. We ask you to pray for us for this coming season. We would love to see people all around the world and in Colchester partnering with us through prayer, encouragement (we will need plenty!) and if God directs you to support the work financially.

Please get in touch with us if you want to know more about the vision and plans for the future as International Christian Fellowship seek to share the Good news of Jesus amongst Internationals in Colchester and raise up disciples.

As a challenge to us we have a video that we came across that we hope would provoke us to be in the rescue mission in God's world and not lose sight of why God has called us.
Here is the video:

God bless
Mariam, Patrick's family and Enoch's family