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20 December, 2007

Carols, Coats, and Candles

This Sunday 23rd December
we are holding our Carol Service at St Martin’s Church West Stockwell Street 3pm.

we will be serving Hot Chocolate and Mince Pies from 2.30 onwards, do bring along all your friends.

10 December, 2007

DNA News

On Friday 14th December we are holding our first Carol Service it’s at Mount Zion hall Ipswich Road (Salvation Army Hall) Starts 10 am and will close at 12 noon called Carols Children and Candles, if you are free please call in and see us.

An Evening for Nundi on Saturday 15th December organised by Anna...
Just sending out an emailing to invite you all to Chrissy's( Dave and Janie's) 52 Wellesley Road, next Saturday 15th December at 7.30! £5 a ticket...
As most of you know we are trying to raise a little more money for Nundi to be able to pay for her to have water and a bathroom in her new house. The evening will consist of a film, 'White Christmas' and party food and nibbles and good company! Really hope many of you can make it! Please let me know; just send me an email to, for an idea of numbers! Just thought this would be a nice idea where everyone can enjoy an evening out and help Nundi at the same time.

Sunday 16th December
Simon Musgrave 10.30am in St Marys (The Arts Centre) is going to talk about the birth of John the Baptist.

Sunday 23rd December we are holding our Carol Service at St Martin’s Church West Stockwell Street 3pm it’s called: Carols, Coats, and Candles, we will be serving Hot Chocolate and Mince Pies from 2.30 onwards, do bring along all your friends.
If you would like to contribute some Mince Pies please bring them along on 16th December St Mary’s (The Arts Centre) normal time starts 10.30 am but we are there from 9am onwards.

On Christmas Day our service starts at 10.30am in St Marys (The Arts Centre) everyone is welcome, please bring along a present to unwrap in the morning. We would like everybody to unwrap one of their presents to share in the fun of the morning.

On Sunday 30th December we will be in St Marys (The Arts Centre)

05 December, 2007

The Art centre at 9.30 a.m on a Sunday
At 10.30a.m ..transformed by DNA family
DNA members sharing about Kigali Kids Project
(Photos from 02/12/07)

30 November, 2007

This Sunday (Dec 2nd) is the first Advent come along early if you would like to help.

Future events
Saturday 8th December 12 noon till 3pm a quite time to reflect on Christmas, bring a lunch we will supply drinks.

Sunday 23rd December Christmas carols at St Martin's Church West Stockwell Street 3pm.

Saturday 12 January 2008 Vision Day at Assington from 10 am till 4pm come for all or just some. Do you have a vision for 2008? If not come and listen God will give you one.

Sunday 27th January 2008 Smile Puppets are leading the whole service. This is for all ages young and old, bring along loads of friends.

If you have any comment from last week's talk come and speak to one of us on Sunday

Paul & Karen

20 November, 2007

Men's Breakfast

Men's breakfast this Saturday, 24th November at 8.30 am

at Jack Pots Lion Walk Town centre,

the theme is "Bring Along A Buddy"

RSVP Paul Carr or Tony Francis so we can book the numbers

18 November, 2007

SIN - Black Hands!

Black Hands represent our Sins...

The Wall chart represents all our lives full of sin...

As a family of believers we are called to confess our sins to God and one another

We can help one another in leaving sin and to have a clean hand!

(Chrissy/ Miriam and Chris/Patrick help each other to remove the black hand)
Photos from DNA Sunday Worship -18/11/07

11 November, 2007

DNA Fancy Dress Party and News


On Sunday 18th November we will be meeting at St Mary's (the Arts Centre)
Bacon Rolls will be served from 10 am onwards so come early if youwould like to wake up to a hearty roll!
John Claydon will be speaking to us this Sunday
Jon & Rosanna will be leading the children's group (anyone over 4 years)The Sargeant & Shaljean families have been asked to give out communion
Please note the High street will be closed from 6 am till 8pm on Sunday
Sacred Space will be in St Martin's East Stockwell Street 7pm till 8pm (wrap up warm)
Are you in one of the Mission units?
Are you in one of the Servant teams?
Are you in one of the discipleship groups?
Any comment on last week's service email back or phone 01206 791986
CHRISTMAS SHOE BOX APPEAL - For children around the globe that won't have a very merry Christmas.

Please give a shoe box, wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper with toys, pens, pencils, hair accessories, sweets, tooth-brush, tooth-paste, teddy, balls, hat, scarf, glove, glasses, notebook, colouring book etc. . . to send to a child this Christmas.

You'll need to stick on the top of the box who it is for i.e Boy or Girl, and the age group it's aimed for, either 2 - 4, 5 - 9, 10 - 14. Also £2 in an envelope inside for posting.

If you feel that making a whole box might be too much, please bring in what you can!

The deadline is quite near - so if you can please start bringing them in this Sunday.

Thank You
Hannah Carr

08 November, 2007

Harvest Sunday

DNA Family brought food items for 'Out for Good' project home as part of their Harvest Sunday offering. There was a good bye lunch for Dave and Janie after the Sunday worship on Nov 4th

This Sunday (Nov 11th)...

DNA folk....

Please note that Colchester High Street will be closed for traffic on Sunday, 11th November from 10a.m -12 noon!

31 October, 2007

DNA Newsflash - Events for the coming week!

Goodbye Dave & Janie!
Dave & Janie will be leaving for their three month Sabbatical this Sunday 4th November. Do come along to find out what this will mean and say goodbye to them.
Please stay on after the morning service for a “Sharing Lunch” at 12.30pm. Just bring some food that you would like to share with others. It’s that simple.
We will place all the food on a long table and then just share it between us.

Harvest Festival
On Sunday 4th November 10.30 am @ St Mary’s Church (Colchester Arts Centre)
Our offerings of thanksgiving to God this Autumn will take the form of
supporting the “Out For Good” Project.
(This is a home for young ex offenders)
We are looking to donate non perishable goods. Eg. any of the following:

Hair Shampoo
Toilet Rolls

Tin vegetables
Tin Soups
Tin Fish
Tin Meat

And much more…

5th November
Bonfire Night Grand Firework Display in Castle Park

Jacket Potatoes, Sausages, Beans
Tickets £7 (this is a ticket only event)
Food at 34 St Augustine Mews @ 6pm till 8.30pm then on to Castle park
Contact Christian or Chrissy

29 October, 2007

News from Singapore

Dear Friends,

Yesterday Sunday 28th October 200y, our son Josiah Michael Xing Corea was born at 3.13pm, weighing 3.6 kg. Both Maple and the baby are well.

Manik and Maple

27 October, 2007

Sunday Events

Sunday, October 28th:

This Sunday, DNA worship will feature "The Bodysnatch!?" led by some of the young people, complete with film, news footage and interviews.
On Sunday afternoon, there is an invitation to celebrate The African History Month-
'At RCCG Stillwaters we will be celebrating with an evening of exuberant Praise and worship with a refreshing African flavour. This promises to be an enjoyable and unforgetable experience. I will like to warmly invite you to worship with us. We look forward to seeing you. Please come with your friends family and church members.
DATE: Sunday October 28 2007
TIME: 4-8pm
VENUE: RCCG Stillwaters, Unit 4 Brook Street Business Centre, 96 Brook Street, (Behind National Autocentre), Colchester CO1 2UZ
Telephone 01206795778/07956689193/07946637935


On Sunday evening the annual CYO celebration takes place at St Botolph's. Hear about Christian Youth Outreach's work in schools around Colchester
You are invited to the annual CYO Celebration which is on
Sunday 28th, October at St. Botolph's Church, starting at 7:45.
Tom, CYO's new schools worker, will be speaking on the theme, "Your Kingdom Come", worship will be led by 'Presence', the worship team from Kingsland Church plus friends, and we'll be sharing a bit about the ministries and vision of CYO. Refreshments will be available for early arrivals who want to meet and chat from 7:15.

Simon Musgrave writes:
The final Delving Deeper will happen on Saturday 3rd November at 7:45 at our house.
Do come if you can (even if you have not been before) for what is a mix of the social and the thoughtful. We are planning to explore the relationship between science and faith and in so doing expect to address issues such as, how do we respond to writers like Richard Dawkins or how should we understand the early books of Genesis?

24 October, 2007

Clocks GO BACK!

CLOCKS go back one hour from Saturday 27th midnight so everybody has one extra hour...... in bed/ to make a nice English breakfast/ to read the Bible before DNA Sunday Service!!

22 October, 2007

DNA Rugby night photos

It was a great time of food, songs, fellowship and a super finals (rugby!) last Saturday. Although there was some disappointment among the English fans, the better team won...There was joy among the Springbok fans.
Thanks to Paul and Karen for organising a splendid evening...

19 October, 2007



Saturday night the Rugby World Cup Final will be screened
at St James' Hall on Guildford Road

(Go down East Hill and turn left at the lights at the bottom of the hill.)
We'll have access to the Hall at 7pm. The match begins at 8pm.

Jacket potatoes will be cooked; bring along some nibbles and soft drinks.

South African supporters are most welcome!!

English supporters should bring a sense of humour as well as gratitude for the miraculous events of the last few weeks,

Neutrals are likely to be intrigued by the behaviour of the other spectators!!

For sne and sensible people......Don't forget that Delving Deeper Discussions will take place at the warm and convivial environment of the Musgrave home!

Sunday morning, 10.30 at the Arts Centre, will be a remarkable time of commissioning people for action. Be there to add your prayers and soak in the excitement of embodying and multiplying the fingerprinrs of Jesus!

Sacred Space will be on again at St Martin's 7-8pm, Sunday evening.

12 October, 2007

NO Sacred Space this Sunday

We apologise that Sacred Space will not be on this Sunday 14th October at St Martin's because of the Film Festival.
Please ignore the earlier notice about Sacred Space sent by email.

11 October, 2007

DNA Events - 13 & 14 October

Saturday, 13th October
This Saturday night is the Semi-Final of the Rugby World Cup in Paris between
England and France
We will show the match on the big screen at the Jesus Centre, King Harold Road.
Kick off at there from 7.30 for the warm up!

For English people this will be a great occasion; for everybody else it promises to be an interesting cultural insight into the behaviour of the locals, as we reveal the agony and the ecstasy of supporting the England rugby team!!!! French supporters are also welcome!

Sunday, 14th October
On Sunday, the theme of our worship
at St Mary's (Arts Centre)10.30am is
Knowing God, from 2 Peter chapter 1

As usual, transport will be available from the university north towers at 9.45am, Quays 9.55am and Harwich Rd 10.00am.

Sacred Space will be at St Martin's at 7.00pm -CANCELLED
as usual- a wonderful opportunity for peace and quiet in the presence of God.

Hoping to see you all for what promises to be an awesome weekend!!

Read Chrissy's blog to find out what God is doing in David Steele's life in Luton!

25 September, 2007

Hello All

Dealing with Stress, Anxiety & Burnout at Ellel Ministries, Pierrepont Surrey, Saturday 6th October 2007

Are you one of the many people in today’s society who suffer from stress, anxiety or burnout? If so, this is the course for you. This much needed course presents clear Bible based teaching on the true peace that comes only from Jesus. It looks at root causes of stress and how these can be dealt with through healing and prayer ministry. Biblical principles are given to show how stressful relationships and situations can be handled in Godly ways. This course will be helpful to those struggling with the stress of life as well as those who help others.
We are arranging for a minibus to take anyone interested in attending this days teaching down to Surrey on the 6th October 2007, there will also be opportunities for prayer into these areas as well.

The cost for the day will be £30.00 (£25.00 for the course and £5 for fuel). Lunch can be pre-ordered for £5.00 or you can take your own.

To book or for further information please contact Rosanna or myself on 01206 241481 (early notice is advisable as places are limited).

Jonathan Mulvey

21 September, 2007

Sunday September 23rd Bacon Sandwiches & Conkers !!!!!!

This Sunday September 23rd, come early to the Arts Centre at 10am for BACON SANDWICHES and the DNA CONKER CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!

The theme this Sunday is SERVE AN ACE!, taken from Matthew 12, where Jesus is identified as The Servant prophesied by Isaiah

Be early in the evening at St Martin's, 6.00pm, where Catherine Musgrave kicks off the series on Celtic Christianity. Hot chocolate at 6.45, then Sacred Space.

18 September, 2007

DNA News...

There are some great "DNA teams" starting up all over the place at various times with various groups of people. People gathering to support one another and find out what God wants to reveal through his Word, and putting it into action.
In short...
D is for Divine Truth
N is for Nurtuing Relationships
A is for Apostolic Mission
We are encouraging everyone to participate, so if you need more information, do email back or ask. Don't be shy!!and news on courses about to start......

1) Celtic Christianity
Considering the influence of Celtic Christianity for our time on Sunday evenings, 23rd September – 7th October, St Martin’s Church, West Stockwell Street, Colchester

6-6.45pm Looking at how the Celtic saints are inspiring present day spiritual seekers.
6.45-7pm Hot choc etc.
7-8 pm Sacred Space: An opportunity to reflect and enjoy the space in silence. We end the evening with read prayers.
Both sessions stand alone so feel free to join us as you like.

2) DEEP STUFF!! Saturday night
Would you enjoy the chance to explore some current spiritual issues in a little more depth?
We are going to meet on a series of four Saturday evenings (at 7:30 on 29th September and 6th, 13th and 20th October) for some engaging, wide-ranging and fun discussions.
Our aim is to open up some key topics by meeting up (with some food and drink) to listen to an opening presentation and then having some discussions and questions. Our thinking (subject to change) is that we will explore the following issues:

1. How has our society changed over the centuries, what are the dominant philosophies in our society and how do they affect our own thinking?
2. What happens when politics and religion get close to each other, from the Roman empire to right wing politics in America?
3. Are science and faith (as suggested by Dawkins and others) incompatible? How should we view the Genesis accounts of creation?
4. How should we then live? From the monastic to the materialistic?

Our intention is that we listen carefully to each other in a humble and open spirit. Our inspiration for this is from James 3.17 which says ‘But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.’
Please let Simon Musgrave (579864) or David and Janie Beales (530934) know if you are interested in coming.

3) This Sunday September 23rd, come early to the Arts Centre at 10am for BACON SANDWICHES and the DNA CONKER CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!

The theme this Sunday is SERVE AN ACE!, taken from Matthew 12, where Jesus is identified as The Servant prophesied by Isaiah

Be early in the evening at St Martin's, 6.00pm, where Catherine Musgrave kicks off the series on Celtic Christianity. Hot chocolate at 6.45, then Sacred Space.

4) The Marriage Course begins at Plume Avenue URC on Tuesdays for the next 8 weeks or so. Call Paul and Karen for details: 01206 791986

5) The Marriage Preparation Course begins on Friday 12th October- 5 sessions to prepare couples for marriage. Call Paul and Karen for details: 01206 791986

6) The Alpha Course begins in early October. Call Paul and Karen for details: 01206 791986

7) Colchester Street Pastors Initiative
The Colchester Street Pastors Initiative gets underway this autumn with an evening of prayer and the start of the training programme. We are still working towards having an official launch event in mid December so that teams can be out on the street in the run up to Christmas. The application process for people who want to be Street Pastors will begin soon. Over 40 people have already expressed an interest and others are welcome to apply. Forms will be available at the evening of prayer on 21st September or you can get in touch and we’ll send you one. One important part of the preparation for being a Street Pastor is to spend at least one evening out with the Friday night street prayer teams. The main aim is to pray rather than chatting to lots of people but the experience will be really valuable to anyone who wants to be a Street Pastor. Dates Friday 21st September 8pm - 10pm at St. Botolph's Church An evening of prayer for our town and for the Street Pastors project. Friday October 5th Friday October 19th Friday November 2nd Friday November 16th 8pm - 10pm Street Pastors Training at St. Botolph's Church.
We have yet to finalise the content of these training evenings but please put these dates in your diary. We will confirm the details soon.

Saturday 17th November 10am - 4pm. Mt. Zion Salvation Army, Ipswich Road Street Pastors training, "Roles and responsibilities" with Les Isaac (founder of Street Pastors) from Ascension Trust
Saturday 8th December 10am - 4pm. Mt. Zion Salvation Army, Ipswich Road Street Pastors training, "The Good News" with Simon Thomas from Ascension Trust

Street Pastors are people from local churches who have been trained to care for, listen to and help people in town at night - the Church on the streets, demonstrating God's unconditional love. Street Pastors is just one aspect of the mission of the Church in Colchester - a practical demonstration of the good news reaching people where they are. Street Pastors, Colchester, management group James Collitt, Revd. Alison Finch, Jim Howard, Katy Smith, Tim Abbott (Until we have finalised a Colchester Street Pastors email address please contact Tim Abbott at CYO for more information or to register interest

02 August, 2007

End of Cricket Season

Having a chat about how the season went...DNA won 4 games and lost 3 this season.
No one could have Ice know why!
Well done to the DNA Cricket team for a enjoyable season.

17 July, 2007

Sunday 22nd July

This Sunday morning there will be a simple worship event at The Arts Centre, 10.30am.
This will be followed by our annual Barbecue across at Pebmarsh.
(For directions please contact DNA)

International Students
The minibus will collect you at 9.45am from North Towers and at 9.50am from The Quays and bring you to the morning Worship event. Those who wish to return to university to work will then be driven back to campus.
The minibus will take other students across for the Barbecue and back to university afterwards.
Why not plan ahead and treat yourself to a relaxing day?! The place we are going to is beautiful, out in the countryside, approx 10 miles from Colchester. There is an oppportunity for country walks, swimming, tennis, football, croquet. The experience is guaranteed to chase away the normal stress of academic work!
All are welcome!

05 July, 2007


Baptism service of Daniel, Hannah and Mathew (June 07)

28 June, 2007

July programme

DNA @ St Mary's, Colchester Arts Centre, 10.30a.m every Sunday

July 1st: 'Branches' drama from Atlanta
July 8th: Dave Steele will be speaking
July 15th: Elim church will be co-leadingm with Xalt band
July 22nd: Acoustic morning followed by BBQ/swim/tennis/chill-out in Pebmarsh
July 29th: Communion

Branches from Atlanta special event in Colchester...

Sunday July 1st Visit of BRANCHES drama troupe from Atlanta-

10.30 am Colchester Arts Centre
4.00pm Blue Moon Cafe at St James, Brightlingsea

Thursday and Friday 5th and 6th July
7-9pm Drama workshops at St Martin's West Stockwell St

Friday 6th July
10.00 am Friday church at Mt Zion, Ipswich Road

Saturday 7th July
Comedy evening at St Leonard's Hall Lexden

05 June, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Some news for this week...

Happy Birthday!
As well as some signifnicant individual birthdays, this Sunday, June 10th, is DNA's 6th birthday!!

Capture your call!!
At 10.30-11.30am, we'll meet at the Arts Centre to share stories of our brief 6 years of life and to "preview" an inspiring future!

From 12.00pm, come and celebrate together, with a picnic at Abbey Fields (please note change of venue because of the Oyster Fayre using Kings Meadow for car parking).
Bring food and drink, games equipment etc. to have a fun time!
(By car take Circular Road West from Butt Road and bear left into Circular Road South. Park opposite the Garrison swimming pool.
By foot from the town centre, cross Southway via the underpass from Abbeygate street and walk up St John's Green and Flagstaff Road. You'll find Abbey Fields past the Arena Leisure Centre.It's a big area...head towards the far side of the field!)

Hope to see you there!

Second win of the season

DNA Cricket team took on Berechurch on a wonderful summer evening. Skipper Simon won the toss and elected to bat. With the return of Sam to the opening position DNA's batting order looked very strong.

Jake was dismissed in the first over and DNA struggled in the early overs. Having lost Ben and Ian without troubling the scorers it was left to Sam and Butch to rebuild the innings. When Sam was bowled, Simon joined in an entertaining partnership. The highlight being three consecutive boundaries hit through square-leg, mid-on and mid-wicket by Simon. When Simon was out LBW for 16runs (Twice in two games!) it was upto Butch to shepherd the innings through. Although he had to retire at 42 runs, a splendid knock by Steve (16) saw DNA close at 99 for 10wkts in 19 overs.

Captain Simon led his team out to the field knowing that the total was not big enough. He encouraged the team to field like tigers in the field. The next half saw an exciting game where Berechurch took control of the game early on. With Simon and Butch setting the field and bringing in bowling changes saw DNA claw back. Opening bowler Jake got two top order batsmen (bowled) out in an fiery opening spell. With Berechurch needing 36 runs to win on 7 overs with 5 wickets in hand the game seemed to going away from DNA. The skipper turned to his golden arm, John Mulvi who bowled well in the first game. But his prayers were answered in the form of Christian who lept in the air like a tiger to pluck an astonishing catch to dismiss Berechurch's hard hitting batsman. It was an unbelievable catch and brought joy and belief to the team. Steve joined in the party the very next ball by taking a catch at short fine leg off John. Suddenly the game changed and the DNA lads were smelling victory (smelling their prey!). Captain Simon finished off the game with two quick wickets to dismiss Berechurch for 81 runs off 16.3 overs. Bowling highlights being John -3, Jake -3 , Simon- 2, Steve- 2 wickets. On the field Christian, Ted, Ian, Dan and Ben played a big part. Thanks to Paul Carr for keeping the score (+praying for a win!).
On another note DNA had lost only one game in 2006. The team that beat them last year was Berechurch! Well done to the lads for the win this year!
Final Scores: DNA 99 All Out (19 overs) Berechurch 81 All Out (16.3 overs)
DNA won by 18 runs.
Next Game: DNA vs Gates on Monday, 11th June

01 June, 2007

DNA Sunday Service for June...

3rd June, Trinity Sunday: 10.30 am at St Martin's, West Stockwell St (arts centre unavailable) hosted by the St Martin's team who meet there every Sunday evening

10th June, DNA's 6th Birthday: 10.30 am at the Arts Centre for Capture Your Call- Together!…then… Celebration Picnic From 12.00pm, come and celebrate together, with a picnic at Abbey Fields

17th June, No morning worship-
4.00 pm Baptism Service at St Stephen's, Canterbury Rd

24th June, Communion: 10.30 am at the Arts Centre

July 1st, visit of Branches arts team from Atlanta
10.30 am at the Arts Centre
4.00pm at St James, Brightlingsea, Blue Moon Cafe

23 May, 2007

Remembering Madeleine at St Martin's

DNA Networks
St Martin's -Sacred Space, Sundays 7-8pm
T: 01026 530934 E:

Press Release, May 23rd 2007, 2.45pm

Remembering Madeleine at St Martin's

In response to the enormous wave of concern following the abduction of Madeleine McCann, St Martin's Church in the Town Centre will be open and available to anyone this Sunday, May 27th, between 5-7pm, to come and remember Madeleine and her family and to pray for her release.

Anyone is invited to drop into St Martin's for a few minutes, or for longer if preferred. Within the quiet and pecefulness of this ancient place of worship, people will be able to light candles, leave messages or place their flowers.

St Martin's is down West Stockwell St, opposite Pizza Express.

Rev David and Janie Beales, for DNA Networks

22 May, 2007

Cricket News: DNA vs Highwoods

DNA Cricket team played their first match for the season. It was a gloomy grey evening, but the weather could not dampen the DNA team spirit!
Captain David won the toss and had no hesitation to bat. Tony and David put on a steady opening partnership. Ben had a short stay at the crease. Then came the two key partnerships of the innings: Dave (35 not out) with Simon (28) and Simon with John Butcher (35 not out). There was some quick running at the end between John Mulvey and Steve who opened his account with a classic cover drive for three runs. DNA ended with 118 for 3 wkts in their allotted 18 overs.
Highwoods were always going to have their work cut out with the pace of Steve and Jake opening the bowling attack. Both of them picked a wicket each in their opening spells. Simon, the second change bowler started off with a few wides and took some time to settle in, but once he got his rhythm he bowled one of Highwoods top batsman. Dave then brought in his left arm swing bowler John M who bowled his heart out to rip the Highwoods batting. He bowled out three of their middle order batsmen with his inswingers. Christian and Tony also bowled an over each. On the field Ted from South Africa completley outshone and ran around like a gazelle. His speed was amazing. Simon took a high catch off Jake and made it look very easy. Ben behind the wicket and Ian on the field also performed exceptionally well. At the end Highwoods managed only 95 for 9.
DNA 118/3 from 18 overs
Highwoods 95/9 from 18 overs
DNA won by 23 runs