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28 May, 2008

It's a Party!

Football, BBQ, Beach

Everybody Welcome...

Sunday 1st June

Harwich Dovercourt Rugby Club, Swimming Pool Road (Off Wick Ro

ad), Dovercourt

BBQ starts at 2.45p.m (bring your own food)

Football Kick off 3p.m

Beach open all the time

Frisbee game at 3.30p.m

Last cook on the BBQ 5p.m

Contact Tony for more details: 07796682571

26 May, 2008


Jon Mulvey spoke about the early church referring from Acts 2:40-47.

He talked about how one man's (Jesus) mission in 3 years turned the world upside down. There were four choices for the early church to model their lives on:

  1. Pharisees and Sadducee lifestyle - Very legalistic and uncaring to the poor and sick
  2. Roman lifestyle - Trample others out of greed for money and power
  3. Gentiles lifestyle - Many different theologies and understanding about God
  4. Jesus way - A new life style as in Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Why was there favour from all the people? Acts 2:40 - Peter pleaded with the people to leave the ways of a corrupt generation and live a life set apart for Christ

The early church was counter culture. In our modern day it is easy to become sub culture shaped Christians.

John 15:19 " If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."

Is our lives as Christians being clear to others around us to see that we are people who are counter culture just as the early church was?

Jeremiah 15:19 "Therefore this is what the LORD says: "If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman. Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them."

NOTE: Next Sunday (June 1st) -Venue Change! Service will be at St Martin's Church on East Stockwell Street.

19 May, 2008

Sunday with CYO

CYO Team (Tim, Tom and Steve) explained about their work in Colchester schools.

The purpose of CYO is to take the message of Jesus to young people especially into schools.

Tom shared his personal testimony about his addiction to alcohol, his journey to faith and his real struggles as a Christian. He said that even today he is so close to going back to his drinking habit and it is an inner battle within him.

Steve thanked those who have been supporting CYO financially and encouraged the church to give to the work so that more young people can meet Jesus in their schools.

Tim shared from 2 Corinthians 4:1-7. Some of his key points were
  • A Sense of Calling by God to this work
  • We wear no mask in the work with others and be real
  • Making God's Word relevant
  • For many young people the message of the Bible is not obscure and CYO work in bringing Jesus to the young people through real life stories rather than just information
  • It is a privilege to carry God's message to young people
Prayer points
Pray for a possible Prayer room in various schools
Pray for the finances of CYO to be able to employ more staff

12 May, 2008


On Pentecost Sunday Enoch shared from Acts 2 and spoke the Promise to receive the Power to Proclaim the Message.
Some of the young people led by Hannah drew a painting during the service as an act of worship.
There was lots of time for prayer through the service.

Other highlights:
Alex Adams (DNA prayed for him) ran and completed his first marathon on Sunday in 3hrs 38mins and finished 73rd in a starting line up of 700 runners! Alex and Kevin were running to raise money for the Kigali Kids Project.
DNA Cricket team beat Eld Lane Baptist Church by 28 runs!
Ladies Aerobics every Tuesdays

09 May, 2008

DNA Cricket...

Come and support DNA Cricket team every Monday!
First game versus Eld Lane Baptist Church on May 12th at 6p.m - Mill Road Rugby Club
(Practices every Friday, 5p.m to 6.30p.m at Colchester Cricket Club)