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20 December, 2007

Carols, Coats, and Candles

This Sunday 23rd December
we are holding our Carol Service at St Martin’s Church West Stockwell Street 3pm.

we will be serving Hot Chocolate and Mince Pies from 2.30 onwards, do bring along all your friends.

10 December, 2007

DNA News

On Friday 14th December we are holding our first Carol Service it’s at Mount Zion hall Ipswich Road (Salvation Army Hall) Starts 10 am and will close at 12 noon called Carols Children and Candles, if you are free please call in and see us.

An Evening for Nundi on Saturday 15th December organised by Anna...
Just sending out an emailing to invite you all to Chrissy's( Dave and Janie's) 52 Wellesley Road, next Saturday 15th December at 7.30! £5 a ticket...
As most of you know we are trying to raise a little more money for Nundi to be able to pay for her to have water and a bathroom in her new house. The evening will consist of a film, 'White Christmas' and party food and nibbles and good company! Really hope many of you can make it! Please let me know; just send me an email to, for an idea of numbers! Just thought this would be a nice idea where everyone can enjoy an evening out and help Nundi at the same time.

Sunday 16th December
Simon Musgrave 10.30am in St Marys (The Arts Centre) is going to talk about the birth of John the Baptist.

Sunday 23rd December we are holding our Carol Service at St Martin’s Church West Stockwell Street 3pm it’s called: Carols, Coats, and Candles, we will be serving Hot Chocolate and Mince Pies from 2.30 onwards, do bring along all your friends.
If you would like to contribute some Mince Pies please bring them along on 16th December St Mary’s (The Arts Centre) normal time starts 10.30 am but we are there from 9am onwards.

On Christmas Day our service starts at 10.30am in St Marys (The Arts Centre) everyone is welcome, please bring along a present to unwrap in the morning. We would like everybody to unwrap one of their presents to share in the fun of the morning.

On Sunday 30th December we will be in St Marys (The Arts Centre)

05 December, 2007

The Art centre at 9.30 a.m on a Sunday
At 10.30a.m ..transformed by DNA family
DNA members sharing about Kigali Kids Project
(Photos from 02/12/07)