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22 December, 2012

Christmas Season at Abbeygate Two

The DNA Missional Communities have been celebrating the Christmas season joyfully already! House Churches are flourishing in Highwoods, Horkesley and Riverside;  Footballers improved their performances on last season with two wins and a draw; Abbeygate Two has proved to be a flexible and significant resource for building community amongst a range of different groups over the last two weeks.

  • Little Lights saw a large group of Mums and pre-schoolers sharing Christmas music and stories
  • Primary agers held a Christmas party last Monday and rehearsed a Nativity procession
  • Maths Club finished its first term in style last Saturday
  • Barn Church (teenagers) did an extra session to try to practise for the carols entertainment
  • Synergy  (20's/30's) had movie, games and food in various spaces
  • Internationals invited plenty of new people and enjoyed menu items from various chefs
  • Thursday nights have seen the last sessions of Synergy Alpha Course and the first sessions of Swahili Marriage Course

Please check the times of Christmas worship events

Sunday 23rd December (No morning worship event!)

4pm DNA Carols
5pm Shared meal
6pm Entertainment

Christmas Day 25th December

10am Christmas Communion (please note earlier time!!)

Sunday 30th December

10.30 am Morning Worship

14 December, 2012

Sunday 16th December

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday December 16th at Abbeygate Two, 10.30am, for Advent worship. Luke 1 is the E- 100 reading of the week, but DNA Trustee Gary Seithel will be speaking and raising some discussion from Romans 12, 1-13.

06 December, 2012

Question Time!

Saturday morning is the football tournament at Leisure World. 3 soccer pitches have been made available free of charge by Leisure World, for a six-a-side tournament and  8 teams have registered. The outcome will be to raise funds for a Mission  Trip to Moldova in February 2013.

This Sunday, December 9th, we will meet for worship at 10.30am  
Abbeygate Two, 9 Whitewell Rd, Colchester, CO2 7DE.

Worship will include the dedication of baby Franky, (Tony Francis' grandson)
This week there will be a Question Time panel discussion based on Matthew 1. Please have a read through and make a note of some questions to ask.

HEALTH WARNING! The first half of this chapter may cause drowsiness- do not attempt to read whilst doing something important and do not listen to the reading while driving!