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29 June, 2012

Sunday July 1st

Redina Kolaneci is this week's speaker, continuing the series on how Jesus trained his apprentices. Her talk will be centred around 2 healing miracles from Mark 5:21-43. Naomi Snelling will lead worship music and the morning's worship event will include Communion.

This event will be followed by Part 2 of the AGM, from (approx)12pm - 2pm.
All are welcome to stay and participate.
Agenda will include nominations and elections to the church council, financial report, time for questions and discussion. Carey Watson will be chairing this event.

Please bring your own packed lunch (sandwiches etc) to eat during the meeting.

Notes for the Diary : Events on Sundays in July
July 1st- AGM part 2
July 15th- Anniversary picnic on Abbey Fields after morning worship.
July 29th- Creativity Sunday and International Christian Fellowship

24 June, 2012

July Sundays have special events!!

July 1st- AGM part 2
July 8th- History Maker Foundation event at Pancaldis in the afternoon- and Nay's birthday
July 15th- Anniversary picnic on Abbey Fields
July 22nd- Donau Gemeinde's 10th birthday in Germany- some DNA folk will be visiting
July 29th- Creativity Sunday

Discussion Questions from Sunday 24th June- the Wind and the Waves!

Questions for discussion (no particular order, pick three or four to discuss)

1.    Fear negates faith. Why is it so critical that the faith of his followers be strengthned?
    ref. Matthew13:58, James 1:5 - 8

2.    What do you think about Jesus’ verbal response to them? ‘Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?’

3.    How is this particular miracle a sign of the Kingdom of heaven?

4.    What do you think about Jesus’ methods of training?

5.    Read Romans 12:2 How relevant is this Scripture to the story?

6.    How does having faith the size of a mustard seed relate to this crisis?
    What might the outcome have been had the disciples exercised mustard seeds of faith in their predicament?

7.    The Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) reveals to us a God-in-community (Three in One). In Old Testament times people received the word of God when they gathered in tribes and as a nation, rather than as individuals. Jesus mentored his apprentices in groups of 12, 72, or in 2’s and 3’s, rather than as individuals.  How does this weigh up with the individualism of 21st Century Europe and the   West?

8.    Just as we put our money in the bank, we put our faith experiences in a faith memory bank. We can draw on these memories of God’s faithfulness to us at any time, to encourage our belief and trust. What difference would it make to DNA as a whole, if we created and kept individual faith memory banks, as opposed to developing and fostering a communal faith memory bank?
9.    In DNA what practical ways can we grow a communal faith memory bank, rather than individual ones, to encourage our faith and trust in God?

22 June, 2012

Sunday 24th June

Sunday 24th June - Creativity Sunday

Theme: How Jesus apprenticed his disciples - No. 3: Mark 4: 35-41 "The Wind and the Waves"
Dramatic story telling
Creative all-aged prayer activity
Children's Arts and crafts (in the main hall)
Interactive talk (upstairs) for the adults (and those preferring not to do Arts and Crafts)

This week the seating arrangements will be different. Following on from the story-telling and prayer, children will remain downstairs for their Arts and Crafts, with activities led by Richard and Sue Hearing, Jenna Chapman, Maisy and Georgia Collins. The adults will move upstairs and enjoy more comfortable setting for their talk and discussion.

PLEASE NOTE  - Colchester Foodbank need support
Colchester Foodbank is struggling at the moment, with a greatly increased
demand, and would welcome donations of food. The items requested include
long life milk, cereal, fruit juice and sugar (ideally1kg  bags).
Please bring your contributions to DNA on Sunday and they will be delivered to
Foodbank next week. Alternatively, food can be taken directly to the Big Yellow
Warehouse near North Station on Mondays between 10-12pm,
or at CCVS in Winsley's House during working hours.


20 June, 2012

AGM part 2 on July 1st

The 2nd part of the Annual General Meeting for DNA Networks will take place on Sunday July 1st, after morning worship.

The purpose will be to finalise the election of members of the church council; for this the electoral list will need to be complete, so if you have not yet filled out the relevant form please do so. You have to be over 16, baptised and/or confirmed and part of DNA for at least 6 months.

Church Council members will represent the Mission Units, Missional Communities and Servant Teams.

09 June, 2012

Sunday 10th June

John Orchard begins a new series on Mark's Gospel, chapters 3-6 this week. The series starts with Jesus choosing the Twelve and ends in five weeks when Jesus sends them out to do his mission. What He did in between represents his initial training process for his followers. What does this say to us? What kind of similar training do we need to be equipped for the mission to which Jesus has called us? What was he doing with the Twelve and why did He choose them?

This week, Nick Brooke will be leading us in worship songs and the children will have learning groups upstairs; there will be time and space to pray about local and wider concerns as well as to respond to the story from Mark.

Don't forget the invitation from our German partner church, Donau Gemeinde, to celebrate their 10th anniversary over the weekend of July 20th-22nd.

01 June, 2012

Trinity Sunday June 3rd 2012

Morning worship event, 10.30am at Abbeygate 2

Sunday's speaker is Isaac Lasky on the theme "You must be born again" from John 3: 1- 17. Naomi Snelling is the music leader this week and worship includes Communion together. Nick Brooke will introduce John and Kerry Clayton to everyone - we look forward to hearing about different things they are up to.

Sunday also sees the commencement of regular Children's Ministry - a real milestone for DNA!
2-3 year-olds will be led by Carey for a lovely programme of activity. 4-7 year-olds and 7-10 year-olds will combine this week for special activites to be led by Emily and Janie with the assistance of Maisy. The children's sessions will take place upstairs in Abbeygate for approx 40 minutes during the worship event. It promises to be a load of fun!