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31 October, 2009

DNA Trip to Germany

DNA Mission Trip to Ulm, Germany (October 2009)

19 October, 2009

DNA Churches

DNA International- 18/10/09

Sports Church at Assington - 18/10/09

DNA Harvest Meal Celebration

Photos from Assington - 17/10/09

13 October, 2009

Wednesday 10.00am, Prayer morning at 52 Wellesley Rd- bring any issues for prayer

Thursday is Bible Training, 8-9.30pm

Saturday evening is Harvest Celebration at Assington

Sunday is "Multiplication" Day- feel free to be part of any of these outreach events but do call or write for further info about what you can do or how you can help:

10.30-11.30 am Messy Church at the Arts Centre:
phone Janie 01206-530934 01206-530934

12.00-2.00 pm International Church at 18 Hereford Rd; phone Enoch 07969210284 or email

4.00-6.00pm Sports Church is Archery/Shooting at Assington;
sign up on Facebook page DNA Networks Sports Church Afternoon of shooting and archery (become a friend of Isaac Lasky if you can't find this page) or call
Dave on 01206 530934 or text 07791684699...... but be quick as numbers are limited

05 October, 2009

DNA Football team - Next game on 10/10/09