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26 April, 2012

April 29th

Sunday 29th 10.30am Abbeygate Two.
Theme: "Prayer for Boldness" Acts 4:13-35
Speaker: Alex Parker
Worship leader/co-ordinator: John Orchard
Children's activity: Emily Collins

International Christian Fellowship
12.30-2.30pm: Kunarajah's home, 18 Hereford Drive, Colchester
Persian food, testimonies, African/English songs, Bible and prayer
contact Enoch: 07969210284

NB no Barn Church this week - resumes next week

20 April, 2012

This Sunday, April 22nd, we will meet for worship with Communion at 10.30am at Abbeygate Two, 9 Whitewell Rd, Colchester, CO2 7DE. Best parking is in Vineyard St at 50p only (but get there early!). Priory St is also 50p and just a 5 minute walk.

Enoch Kunarajah will be speaking on Acts 4, 1-12 continuing a series on Acts over the period from Easter to Pentecost. Young people are helping the set up and preparing the music; there will be space for open mic prayer and we'll find out from Luke Moller what happened on the Pathfinders sailing camp.

12 April, 2012

Sunday 15th April

This Sunday we will meet for worship at 10.30am at Abbeygate Two, 9 Whitewell Rd, Colchester, CO2 7DE. Best parking is in Vineyard St at 50p only(but get there early!). Priory St is also 50p and just a 5 minute walk.
Enoch Kunarajah will co-ordinate the worship, Naomi Snelling will lead music and we will have opportunity to pray for Sandra Butcher's forthcoming run in the London Marathon. Isaac Lasky will be speaking on Acts 3, highlighting Peter's transformation from pre-resurrection wimp to post-resurrection history-maker. This will introduce a series on Acts over the next 7 weeks.

05 April, 2012

Good Friday and Easter Sunday

Good Friday's Walk of Witness begins at 12.00pm at the Salvation Army on Butt Road. The walk will follow the Salvation Army Band who will play for some of the route and then lead in silence.The walk will conclude at the Castle gates with a short act of devotion, to be addressed by Stephen Cottrell, Bishop of Chelmsford.

It is always a moving experience to be among the group of walkers marking Good Friday at exactly the time when Jesus went to the cross.

In the evening there is a combined service at the Mercury Theatre beginning at 7.30pm. This is a free event, but an offering will be taken up at the end.

Easter is traditionally the season for new baptisms and renewal of Baptism promises and this Easter Sunday will feature a bunch of Baptisms!

In the morning at 10.30am at Abbeygate Two, Gideon Parker will be baptised as part of the Easter Worship. This will be a Communion Service with a reflection on John 20, 1-18, together with Romans 8, 11 and 1 Corinthians 15, 20. Amanda Parker will be explaining why she and Alex are bringing Gideon to baptism as a child- this will be interesting, as she used to think baptism was only for adults! We know that our community embraces different views about baptism; whatever your views, someone else will think differently, but we have all respected one another's take on this matter. Some of the Barn Church young people have been busy practising some music to lead off the worship and some actors are warming up so that the Apostle Peter and Mary Magdalene make an appearance.

Later on at 5pm, Mandy, David, Sheri, Betty, Glory and Isaac will be baptised in the pool at St Stephen's Church, Canterbury Road, Colchester. They will each make promises of commitment to Jesus and will explain why they are choosing to be baptised before heading into the pool. Guaranteed to be interesting and moving stories! Once they have dried off, we will have opportunity to pray for each person and to bring scriptures, prophecies and words of encouragement to them. Please be in prayer already to listen out for words to share. The church will be open from 4.30pm.