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25 September, 2012

Essential 100 & ICF

This Sunday, September 30th, begins the E-100 programme that was launched at worship last week. A link to E-100 website is attached below.

The Essential 100 books have been ordered so please remember your £5 if you have ordered one. If you can download Apps you can get it cheaper.

The aim is for us all to be reading the same extracts from the Scriptures; each week there are 5 readings to have a look at. On Sundays the presenter will take a decision on how to present the story or share his/her insights.

This week we'll  be looking at the story of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The readings are taken from these chapters of Genesis:
12- Why me?
15- He feels your pain
21,1- 22,19- Strange but true
27 & 28- Analyse that!
32 & 33- True reconciliation

International Christian Fellowship
Just to say you are welcome to join us this Sunday (30/9/12) for International lunch - 12.30p.m at my house (town centre) and then for a time to discuss on the topic 'Love' and explore what the Bible say about this!

If you need transport please ask and I will arrange to pick you up. We start at 12.30p.m and finish by 2.30p.m.

It will be good time to meet others from different nations! please do invite friends and let me know by Saturday if you will join us.

Kind regards,

21 September, 2012

Sunday 23rd September

Worship this Sunday at 10.30am at Abbeygate Two, 9 Whitewell Rd, Colchester, CO2 7DE.

The speaker is Nick Brooke on Matthew 16. Music led by Dave Watson, prayers led by Jess McCarty and Sydni Brooke. Richard and Susie Hearing will do ministry with the children and David Beales will introduce E-100; 100 Essential readings from the Bible to get the whole picture.

Congratulations to the Ramazani family on the birth of Sarah on Saturday 15th September.

Congratulations to DNA football team on a great start to the season with a 7-0 victory over St Michael's!

Last week was a "sending out" event with  the Parker family returning to the USA as well as students leaving after completing courses or going off to uni.

 Joy and Grief all at once!

13 September, 2012

Sunday September 16th

We'll be gathering for Holy Communion this week on Sunday at Abbeygate Two at 10.30am. We will read James 5, focussing on the prayer of faith and anointing for healing. There will be time to pray with the Parker family before they head back to the States next week. We can linger with them for a while over a Morning Tea/Coffee (+ donuts) after worship. Feel free to contribute a donut, bun, biscuit or piece of fruit!

For those who can make it, Rachel Parry will be baptised in Frinton on Friday afternoon (14th September) at about 4.30pm. Meet at the gates turning into Frinton at 4.20pm.  DNA minibus will leave Colchester at 3.40pm. Call 01206 530934 if you'd like a lift in minibus.

10 September, 2012

Questions for Reflection from James 3, 9th September

Why does James liken the tongue to a horse’s bit and bridle?
a ship’s rudder?
a spark and a bushfire?
Am I protecting my eyes?
Am I protecting what goes into my mind?
Am I confessing and dealing with unhelpful thoughts?
Are my actions bringing peace?
Is my tongue promoting healthy relationships?
Am I making peace where I have fallen out?
Do I confess my judgmental attitudes?
Do I forgive as I have been forgiven?
Do I exercise kindness?
Willing to yield
Am I open to reason?
Am I willing to admit misjudgments?
Am I willing to apologise?
Without partiality or hypocrisy
Do I treat rich and poor the same way?
Do I look at people as made in the image of God?
Do I love my enemies?

05 September, 2012

Sunday 9th September

    Worship at Abbeygate Two 10.30am
David Beales speaking from James 3
Children's groups led by Viv Critchley and Enoch Kunarajah

Barn Church: 5pm Abbeygate
contact Sydni Brooke for info

Coming up: Baptism of Rachel Parry Friday afternoon, 14th September,  at Frinton Beach.

From September 23rd we'll be launching the E-100 programme; 100 essential readings that tell the whole Bible Story

Come and watch a wonderful, thought provoking, romantic film this Friday......'Fireproof' (PG film)

when: Friday, 7th September at 7.30p.m
where: Abbeygate 2, 9 Whitewell Road, Colchester, CO2 7DE (Town centre)

An opportunity to think about what true love is! A time also to relax!
There will be some light refreshments and you are welcome to put a donation if you like to.
Look forward to seeing you and do invite any friends you like to.
Kind regards
International team at DNA