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25 January, 2010

DNA Messy Church - 24/01/10

DNA International - 24/01/10

22 January, 2010

This Sunday, 24th January, DNA meets in a variety of locations for several action packed outreach events!
1. As part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Dave will be preaching and leading Communion at St Botolph's.
He would love any DNA people who are not involved in the other events to join him at 10.15am. Parking in Britannia car park.
The theme will be The Fingerprints of Jesus, from Luke 4.

2. Messy Church will be at St James Hall on Guildford Road starting at 10.30am.
Storytelling, games, cooking, craft and prayer - for children, their families and anyone who enjoys arts/craft and mess!
Go down East Hill and turn left onto Guildford Road. The Hall is immediately on your left.
Parking either in Priory St or about 100 yards down Guildford Rd or on side streets where there aren't double yellow lines.

3. International Church begins at 12.30pm at 18 Hereford Road.
Songs, teaching, prayer and lunch will feature in this multicultural event connecting with people from several nations.
Finish by 2.30pm.

4. Sports Church takes place at St James Hall from 6-8pm.
The programme includes indoor activities presented by Joel Shaljean, including Target Golf, Bocce, Cup Stacking.
There will be a time of singing worship songs and hearing faith stories. Please bring some food to share.

13 January, 2010

Vision Day Saturday 20th Feb Time out to seek Godʼs vision for your life
10-3pm at Assington Bring Bible, note book and pen, packed lunch, drinks provided

DNA Prayer
Please note: DNA Prayer will shift from Wednesday mornings to Fridays 8-9pm, 52 Wellesley Rd

Monthly Multiplication Sunday: January 24th
* Messy Church - for children & their families & people of all ages - Arts,Crafts,Storytelling, Games,Prayer to be held this month at St James Church Hall (Guildford Rd) contact Janie - 530934 for info
* International Church - welcoming those from other countries & those who enjoy meeting them! 18 Hereford Rd, 12.30pm call Enoch & Pinceau 07969210284
* Sports Church - 6-8pm, Faith with a sports flavour

Alpha will be starting on Wed Jan 13th 52 Wellesley Rd 12.30-2pm.
BYO packed lunch call Dave & Janie for info 530934

DNA Summer holiday
We are delighted to be arranging our first official DNA Summer camping event this year! It’ll be held across in Assington over the August Bank Holiday weekend, Friday 27th - Monday 30th August, and promises to be great fun! Assington has provision for camping either in tents or caravans if you want to stay over. Paul Willer from Assington will help us in our planning and preparation. Joining us will be about 25 friends from Donau Gemeinde, our partner church in Germany. Please make a note of these dates in your diary!

New Testament Reading Plan for 2010 (or any year)
Themes for preaching and blogging during the year. Read the books during the months below and you’ll have a greater understanding of the Sunday talks and some of the blogs at and you’ll read the whole New Testament this year!
January: Mark, James
February: Romans
March: 1 & 2 Peter, Hebrews
April: Luke
May: 1 & 2 Corinthians
June: Revelation
July: John
August: Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians,
September: Philippians,1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon
October: Acts
November: 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1, 2 & 3 John, Jude
December: Matthew

Dave and Janie on holiday
Dave and Janie are taking their annual holiday at the end of January and will be away for 3 1/2 weeks (Jan 25 - Feb 18), visiting family in Australia. Theyʼll stop over inBangkok to catch up with Manik, Maple & young Josiah Corea, and hope to see John & Gloria Jiang. Enoch, Chrissy, John Claydon will be co-ordinating the 3 Sunday morning worship events at the Arts Centre while the Beales are away.