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21 September, 2009

First DNA International service - 20/09/09

19 September, 2009

This Sunday sees the start of the once a month multiplication of DNA worship events.
You are welcome at any or all of these.

10.30am: Messy Church at Colchester Arts Centre-
Designed to engage with pre-schoolers, primary-agers and their families, this will be a one hour event! Call Janie on 01206 530934 for info

From 11.30am: International Church at 18 Hereford Rd-
Prayer at 11.30, lunch at 12.00, followed by worship and fellowship
Call Enoch on 07969210284 for info

From 5.50pm: Sports Church at 52 Wellesley Rd-
"Crocker" starts at 6.00 (in nearby sports area), refreshments at 6.45, discussion, prayer and film-clip at 7.00 finish at 8.00. Call Dave on 07791684699 for info

14 September, 2009

Viv, Pinceau and Ruth sharing about the Harvest meal celebration to take place on Oct 17th

Bishop of Colchester spoke at DNA Sunday service (13/09/09)

DNA football team getting ready for the match against Frinton Free Church (12/9/09)

12 September, 2009

This coming Sunday, Sept 13th, sees the visit of Bishop Christopher Morgan, our local Bishop to commission us for ministry in the coming months.

Please bring any questions you might have following from last week's Vision presentations. We know there are a number of things to be clarified. During our worship there will be an opportunity for people to receive Holy Communion.

Please remember your donations of toiletries for Beacon House. When out shopping look for discounted items (soap, shampoo, toothpaste etc) and also for any special offers eg '2 for the price of 1"Please bring your items on Sunday mornings and place them in the box marked "Beacon House." Items are gratefully received and are urgently needed.