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30 July, 2012

International Christian Fellowship - 29/07/12

26 July, 2012

Sunday July 29th

This Sunday, 29th July, there will be a worship event at Abbeygate 2 as normal at 10.30am.

David Beales is getting excited to  be speaking about Ephesians 3, which is a magnificent chapter.
There will be music, open mic prayers, space to respond and an update and prayer for History Maker Foundation.
Children will have quiet activities to do during the talk.

International Christian fellowship:
"We will be having International Christian Fellowship next Sunday (29/07) at 12.30p.m. We will have a homemade Chinese lunch cooked by our wonderful Chinesefriends.

After lunch we will hear someone share how God is working in her life through her fears and worries, then Patrick will teach from John 14, which starts with Jesus' words ' Do not let your hearts be troubled'! We hope to have some singing too.

Please do invite friends as it will be great to meet people from many nations.

Please note this months International Fellowship meeting will at Betty / Sherry house which is
2 Alefounders Close, CO4 3UR ( first road on the left on Avon Way as go towards Greenstead)"
If you need a lift or more information please contact me on 07969210284 or

18 July, 2012

Sunday 22nd July

Morning service - 10.30a.m at Abbeygate 2.

This week Patrick Ramazani will teach us from
Ephesians 2:17-18
17 He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.
There will be some children's activity upstairs.

15 July, 2012

13 July, 2012

Sunday 15th July - DNA's 11th Birthday! AND the Dedication of Sarah Ajaj.

Please join us at Abbeygate, 10.30am as we celebrate in worship, then gather with Raied, Souzan, Rania and Samaa Ajaj for the Dedication of baby Sarah, before sharing in bread and wine together during the Communion.
This week's guest speaker is a friend and colleague from USA, Jon Shuler, who will preach from Ephesians 1:1-14 on the theme, "Glorious grace!"

To be followed by:

Picnic at Abbeyfields, from 12.30pm 
parking outside the Colchester Arena Leisure Centre (CO2 7FZ) , opposite intersection of Flagstaff Rd and Circular Rd North/Napier Rd

Please bring your picnic lunch, something waterproof to sit on, and any additional friends and family who you think might enjoy the day. All are welcome.
Along with football, frisbee and any other equipment available to use, there will be some games and races organised during the afternoon for people of all ages!

In the unlikely event (!) that it rain, we will have the picnic at Abbeygate instead

NB Barn Church people will be invited to join these birthday celebrations with their families- no separate Barn Church this week

07 July, 2012

DNA Cricket

Cup Champions - 07/07/2012

06 July, 2012

Sunday July 8th

This Sunday, July 8th, Nick Brooke will be concluding the brief series from Mark's Gospel on Jesus' training of disciples. Check out Mark 6, 1-13.

Janie will lead music and there will be children's groups upstairs, with Isaac Lasky and Dave Watson. There will be prayer for our mission both at home and overseas- Manik Corea is back in town and we'll have opportunity to pray for him and his family as they move to a new ministry in Bangkok;  we'll also hear something of our UWM team's local activities and needs for prayer as well.

Please take a report from last week's AGM , which will be made available; this details the newly elected Church Council and some of the discussion that took place.

The following Sunday, July 15th, is our eleventh birthday! Following a celebration worship with visiting speaker Jon Shuler and dedication of Sarah Ajaj, there will be a picnic in Abbey Fields for all the family- a great opportunity to introduce friends to the community as well; feel free to invite anyone you'd like to introduce to the church.

04 July, 2012

July 7th

Manik Corea meeting:  Abbeygate Two, Sat July 7th,  3-4.30pm

Manik will be back in town this weekend! Many of you will remember Manik from his time in Colchester serving among international students between 2000-2005. He has visited a couple of times subsequently including being the preacher at our tenth anniversary celebration last July.

We sent Manik and his wife Maple out with prayer in September 2005, just a week after they got married! As a church, we have supported them with both prayer and finance over the years while they were studying in Singapore then working with Christ Church, Bangkok. Now they have finished their term at Christ Church and are about to start a new church planting venture in Bangkok.

This Saturday, Manik will be presenting news about this new work of church planting in Bangkok, Thailand at Abbeygate Two, Sat July 7th,  3-4.30pm.
You are most welcome to hear what is going on; prayer partners are needed for this new venture which is a direct spin-off from Manik's experience of getting our church started here in Colchester 11 years ago. If you can't make Saturday, look out for Manik on Sunday and sign up for the prayer letter. Sadly (for us!) Maple and their son Josiah are in Asia and not able to travel with Manik this time.

July 5th

Abbeygate Two meeting Thursday 5th July, 8pm
This is just a reminder from the AGM on Sunday for those who are interested:

Meeting to discuss Abbeygate Two

Where? Abbeygate Two
When? Thursday evening 5th July at 8.00pm
Why? Another organisation has made an offer to lease Abbeygate Two; what is our response?
What? Discussion and Prayer